Saturday, May 31, 2008

See Grandpa jump!



On the afternoon we celebrated James' graduation from UVSC, we were on the back porch cooking chicken on the grill. Ana was jumping rope and somehow the rope ended up in grandpa's hands and he jumped a few times. Without these pictures to prove it I doubt anyone would believe he did it as it is a little out of character. It still makes me smile to look at these pictures.

Countdown to blog...3, 2, 1, blastoff!

I want to be just like everyone else in blog world. It is such a fun way to record history and share fun times. Like today...moving 3 loads from one house to another and going 2 hours late to the block party! Since I couldn't find the invitation, which I thought I put on the fridge, I expected the party to be early evening, but no.. it was at 3:30. When Dad saw a table set up in the yard over and behind us he went to see what time the party would start. Silly us, it was almost over. So, with red faces we took our chicken and cupcakes and joined the party. We chatted with a few old friends. This ward has good people and whether or not they have heard about our mess, they are kind and welcoming.