Friday, November 22, 2013

Week 3 Post 2 Requirements to Receive Miracles

 Jesus taught the disciples that three things needed for miracles to be performed. He told them they needed faith. It didn’t need to be a lot of faith and compared it to a mustard seed. In addition to their faith they must fast and pray.
3 Nephi 18:20  For miracles in our lives this verse teaches we need to do three things. First ask Heavenly Father in Jesus’ name. Second is the instruction to ask for what is right. So it is a waste of time asking for anything that is contrary to the commandments. Then last of all is to believe we will receive what we are asking for.
D&C 50:29 This scripture teaches that we must be purified and cleansed of sin, then we ask in the name of Jesus and what we ask will be granted.
D & C 42:48  In this scripture it states that those with faith in Jesus will be healed if it is not their appointed time to die.

I have a granddaughter that shares my birthday. Her name is Jayne. When she was 18 months old she aspirated, we think it was a kernel of popcorn. She was on the brink of death. I witnessed a miracle the day of this accident. The priesthood saved her life. She is now 6 a healthy, happy 6 year old. I am thankful for the gospel in my life and to be learning and studying the life of Jesus Christ. 

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