Saturday, January 25, 2014

Book of Mormon Lesson Two Activity Two

Alma 37     Scripture Activity 2
1.      Hand the scriptures down to the next generation.
2.      By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.
3.      Scriptures enlarge our memory.
4.      Scriptures convince people of the error of their ways.
5.      Scriptures teach us of the error of our traditions.
6.      The scriptures bring us to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
7.      Commandments of God are strict.
8.      If we keep the commandments we will prosper in the land.
9.      Breaking commandments results in things which are sacred being taken away.
10.  God will fulfill all his promises.
11.  Be humble, meek, lowly in heart, withstand every temptation of the devil, with faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
1.      Yes, this tells us to teach our children the gospel.
2.      Yes, this tells us to make changes, even small changes will help us return to live with Heavenly Father.
3.      Yes, this tells us to read scriptures.
4.      Yes, this tells us to read scriptures.
5.      Yes, this tells us to read scriptures.
6.      Yes, this tells us that we must learn of Christ which teaches us about the Atonement.
7.      Yes, this tells us we can’t bend the rules and still receive desired blessings.
8.      Yes, this tells us not to break the commandments which take us away from Eternal life.
9.      Yes, this tells us that from our behavior we will lose sacred things.
10.  A promise.
11.  Yes, a list of ways to be righteous.

3.      Scriptures teach us the error of our ways (4) and be humble (11).  According to Elder Bednar, “By reading, studying, searching, and feasting…we can receive both spiritual direction and protection during our mortal journey.  I consistently read my scriptures. I also read commentaries along with. I realized last semester that I was learning at a greater level and gaining a stronger testimony due to the extra work expected of me in my New Testament class. And I learned a valuable lesson during one section in relation to being humble. I now want to keep this level of learning and growing and remember the importance of humility. My plan is to keep a journal with my scriptures so I can write down the impressions I feel as I read. In connection to humility I plan to humble myself to feel the spirit in my tv choices. I liked this comment in the student manual, “Conscience is a celestial spark which God put into every man for the purpose of saving the soul. Last semester we had an assignment to look at our entertainment choices. I recognized some of the tv programs I watched were not uplifting. It is humbling to admit my guilt, but there were a couple that were way too edgy. I decided at that time to remove the programs from my schedule. The result from this has been less desire to watch tv and more sensitivity in general to programming that is not uplifting. Just this week I saw a preview of a new show. Later, after my husband watched part of it he told me about the content. From his description I told him I didn’t want to watch it and asked him to remove it from the schedule. My plan is to not watch tv programs that are marginal.  I hope from this decision to more clearly feel and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost and my conscience, in regard to entertainment. It is my plan to be humble enough to follow the Spirit.
4.       Alma told Helaman to learn wisdom, to learn the commandments of God, to pray for support, and to  let all his doings be unto the Lord. He continued to tell him to direct all his thoughts to the Lord and let all the affections of his heart be placed upon the Lord forever. Also to counsel with the Lord in all his doings and he will receive direction. His heart should always be full of thanks to God and he will be lifted up at the last day.
5.  In verse 22 the Lord said, if they did not repent they should be destroyed from off the face of the earth. Verse 25 says, unless they repent I will destroy them from off the face of the earth. Verse 26, and now, my son, we see that they did not repent; therefore they have been destroyed. I believe this warning is true for us today. I do not rule out natural disasters occurring which could cause large numbers of people to be destroyed, but I see many people being destroyed from sin itself. Addictions are destroying the character and soul of the citizens of this nation. In turn our nation has been weakened. Unfortunately, it seems as though we are working our way towards destruction

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