Monday, July 21, 2008

The top 3 reasons to hold a garage sale are:
1. get rid of junk that hasn't been used for too long
2. earn a little cash
3. people watching...if you are into that hobby it is a great venue!
We held a garage sale this past weekend in our front yard. The downsizing of household goods continues & it seems like a lot of junk that no one would want to buy, but customers came & shopped & bought giving us less junk, pocket cash, & people to watch. On the Friday I was sitting on the porch when a car rolled into the driveway, at a slant. The older gentleman shopped from the window for a minute, then got out. He was about 5 steps away from his car, holding up a pair of camo pants when his car started rolling forward. Moving forward is probably more accurate. His car proceeded to stream roll a large plastic bin & a couple of boxes on its way toward the fence. Within 30 seconds 2 sections of fence were lying flat under his tires. It took time to register this car was on its own, left in drive, so this customer could shop at our garage sale. It took time for it to register in his mind that it was his car on the loose. He was not an Olympic runner, but once he recognized his car he moved as fast as an old man can in an attempt to stop the runaway car. He got in the car, backed it up & stood dazed at the damage. In the mean time I am still on the porch laughing my head off. The whole event happened in less than a minute, yet provided hours of laughter as we have recounted the event. He drove away without purchasing any goods & kept driving back to reassess the damage. He planned to repair it with a friend, but in the end paid cash & Bill made the repairs. This was by far the best garage sale ever...we got rid of junk, made some pocket cash, & have the best story to pass down to future generations.


Kary Ann Hoopes Photography said...

I wish we could have seen it. I laughed just reading it!

Ang said...

I cannot believe it. I can totally imagine all of you over there laughing your heads off. I wish I could have been there too!

jenjen said...

ok, I can't even read it with out laughing more...I can't stand how fun that was. I will always remember the time we were having a garage sale and someone drove over the fence. I laugh just writing my comment!

Stephen and Amanda said...

Oh my goodness! That has got to be one of the funniest things I could ever imagine happening ever! I had a garage sale not too long ago and that story tops anything that would have happened at my garage sale. I am laughing my head off as I read it, and then I am laughing my head off as I am writing this, just imagining the fence go down. Oy, a laugh a minute I tell ya!

julie said...

I have to admit, I am feeling pretty sorry for that poor old fella...innocently shopping and his car up and leaves without him, and wrecks the fence in its haste. You always have the funny experiences over there don't you? I do remember going to a garage sale with you and Jamie in AZ and finishing earlier than both of you and getting into the wrong car and just waiting for both of you. Seems like one of you told me I was in the wrong car...that's my garage sale story.

Carissa J said...

That is hilarious! That poor old man! LOL!! I wish I could've seen it!

jenjen said...

julie...that is almost as funny. I can't believe you didn't realize you were in the wrong car...that is such a funny story.