Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gramps & I have been shopping for bike helmets. We looked at Sports Authority & found them to be on sale for $30 - $60 each. Gramps wanted me to buy one, but I persuaded him to wait. Then we asked around & Jennifer told us we could get them for much less at WalMart. Gramps is a bit of a store snob & WalMart is one of the stores he loves to avoid. It's too big & all they sell is junk. So I was surprised when he told me he bought a bike helmet. A nice, shiny, blue one and he didn't pay very much for it. In fact he only paid $3.00. Wow! Why didn't you buy two I asked? Well, this one fit him & he couldn't fine one he thought I would like. I am proud to say Gramps found his new bike helmet at the D.I. I didn't know he knew where it was or that he would ever take it off his stores to avoid list. Three cheers fro Gramps...hip, hip, hoory...hip, hip, hooray...hip, hip, hooray!


William said...

Thanks for the Cheer! And the fun Post

jenjen said...

That is AWESOME...I don't even believe him. Something sounds fishy here. What would lead Dad to the DI? Is this April Fools?

Have you gotten your bike helmet yet?