Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Community Action

I hope my blogging days are not over. I have enjoyed reading blogs & writing on my own, but I feel like I've dropped a ball. I am glad everyone is having a great summer, playing with kids, swimming, etc. I picked up a part time job 2 weeks ago working for Community Action. This job is great as it is flexible & I feel like I am getting paid to do my visiting teaching. I sign senior citizens, disabled on SS, & widow/widowers up for tax abatements, renter refunds & HEAT. I make home visits & also meet them at various senior citizen centers. Once a week I work at the Payson food pantry. It has been very interesting, but it has cut into my free time. At the same time I am plugging away at my college algebra class. I only have one chapter test & the final left & then will have another college class under my belt.  I am planning to take statistics & chemistry this fall. All I can say is wish me luck.


Carissa J said...

Chemistry? I'm glad I don't have to take Chemistry! Good luck with that.
I think that's great you work for Community Action. I believe DWS sends lots of customers your way :)

Erin said...

Good Luck!!! I'm sure that you'll do absolutely wonderful.

Ang said...

Sounds like a great job for you. I'm impressed that you are working and going to school. I hope to follow in your lead soon.

jenjen said...

congrats on your new job. you do great. I think this job is great for you and that you love it. I just wish you didn't have to be gone so long!