Sunday, November 2, 2008


I just have to put this out there. I do not want anyone to take this personally, but does anyone else hate the securtiy passwords that have to be typed after a comment? I have 2 issues regarding this practice. 1. I don't like that I type in the letters, then hit enter & another set of letters comes up with the notice that my comment has been saved. To get out of that I have to back arrow twice! I don't know why this very small inconsequential matter irritates, but this drives me nuts. 2. The thing that drives me even more nuts is the letter sequence's never spell a word. I have to work so hard typing qjbvlomp, whereas a word like house would be much easier to type. I vote we mandate all security codes must spell a real word. (p.s. I did get 'price' one time as the security word, which proved to me it was easier to enter than bglvod.) I am guessing I will either be totally ignored on this post, as it probably proves just how nuts I am or I will have others agree with this slighty annoying pet peeve. 


James Hoopes said...

I was going to comment but the comment page lost my comment and I am too lazy to add it again just know that I concur and I need to do my own blogging.

Erin said...

You're so funny. I hate those darn things too. There have been a few that almost are bad words and I get a little worried. Don't worry, you're not the only one that gets irritated!


Ang said...

Yep - hate it! I have heard though that if you didn't have that there would be anonymous spam comments that I would like to avoid. So....sorry, you'll have to keep doing them on my blog!

jenjen said...

ok, I hate them to so, for all of you who have one...delete it from your page! Mom's sight isn't private and she doesn't have that stupid thing and yet, she gets no spam....down with QPICERSL!

PS never mind the words we have to make up because we play the darn licence plate game.

Stephen and Amanda said...

Ya its annoying! I don't have much more to add then that. I haven't thought too much about it I guess. :/