Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dial "M" for Murder

Last night William had an awful nightmare. He was thrashing about & yelling  during this nightmare. Luckily for me I had woken up earlier & retreated to the downstairs couch to finish out the night & I wasn't in striking distance, but I heard it all from a distance. This morning over breakfast, he asked me if I knew he had a nightmare. I asked him about it. This is the tale. He was laying in bed & got shot. He turned & saw a 'lady' standing at the window with a gun. That is when he started yelling. He was hoping someone would come & help. He wasn't sure if he was going to live or die. Now back to our breakfast conversation. I asked him if he got a good look at the lady. He said no. Then he asked me, by the way where were you when all this happened?  Suddenly I had gone from innocent bystander asleep on the couch downstairs to suspect. Since he didn't get a good look at her I am a likely suspect, especially since I am tall enough to stand outside our 2 story bedroom window & have nothing better to do in the middle of the night.  Oh no, it is my word against his! I've always said our dreams come from real life, then in our sleep that information is twisted. Yesterday William finished a gun safety training through National Rifle Assoc. & is now able to teach gun safety & be a merit badge counselor. p. s. We both got a good laugh at the situation!


Ang said...

That is funny! Especially that he suddenly turned on you! Since when do you call him William? He's always been Uncle Bill to me I guess!

Vonnie said...

As with all families Bill is dad to me & the kids when we are at home. We call him gramps a lot now. Since we have outside readers on the blog so I resort to his public names. Surely you can see my dilemma after being accused of murder... I am using his formal name like a parent uses a child's full name when they are in trouble! Its all part of the story. Sharp eye Angela to pick up on that detail. Maybe I should hire you as a detective to solve this heinous crime.

William said...

Wow, Angela is fast on the draw, by the way Angela, where you at 2:00am this morning?

jenjen said...

that's scary...I don't like the murder dreams! Too much NRA if you ask me. Like I've said before I don't like guns in the house. I know I know, guns don't kill people, people kill people, but it take someone with a gun a lot less time, than a person with out one. Jen

Erin said...

Mom...what have you been doing since we left for dad to think you'd stand outside the window to shoot him? Dad...what have you been doing that mom might want to stand (not sure how) outside your bedroom window to shoot you?

Carissa J said...

LOL! I love a good murder mystery!

Stephen and Amanda said...

What the...I just saw that my comment did not get posted. I usually look and I think I looked and it didn't dawn on me that it wasn't there and I thought that it would just be posted later. But no, it did not post at all.

To try and recreate what I said:

I hate when I have scary dreams because I tend to get so emotional about my dreams and so then when they are scary it makes them all the worse. I think dad is playing with guns too much. I am with Jen about the people who kill quicker with a gun than those who don't.

Austin said...

Mom that is so funny I'm glad I finally read it.