Monday, August 4, 2008

Math 1050 a.k.a. College Algebra

I can't believe I am almost finished with this class. I started back to school, I tested into 990, worked through 1010, finally earning the right to take this class, math 1050. It's the only one of the 3 classes required to graduate. It's a year & 1/2  long trek coming to an end. I've had 3 great teachers, much homework, & challenging tests. This has been the toughest so far. I am not sure if it is the class or the summer distractions keeping me away from diligent homework habits. This professor only tested us 4 times on the 10 chapters he covered. The tests were harder this time around. I felt like there was always too much to try to remember. Of the 4 test he is dropping one score & we had the option of retaking 1 test. Needless to say I have taken advantage of both options, plus handed in extra credit work on chapter 7 which he didn't cover in class. So, going into the final I have 100% on homework, 1 dropped test score (all time low from me in math--81), a 93 & 95 on tests 1 & 3, a better score on the retake which was today so I don't know the exact score, but the prof looked over it for me after I finished the test & he said it looked like a definate A! Wednesday is the final...wish me luck, send a prayer or two heavenward, keep your fingers crossed, & anything else that might help me. I will be busy reviewing all 10 chapters over the next day & a half. Please don't feel slighted if I don't answer my phone. The party begins Wednesday @ 6:01 p.m.  I am taking a math break this fall. I am taking chemistry & waiting the take statistics a little later. The math lab will miss me. p.s. Thank you family members for your patience during my math studying absence! 


jenjen said...

wow mom, what a great example you are to me. As I consider going back for my masters I think of you and your dilligence. You are truly amazing. Good Luck on your test and we can't wait to party!

Stephen and Amanda said...

Good Luck Mom! You can do it, you can do it! It will be good to have done and over and then come to AZ for a Luau before you head back for chemistry! YIKES!

Erin said...

You will do there ever anything that you don't do absolutely wonderful on?

Ang said...

Thank heavens it will all be over soon. I have to admit....math is my weakest point and I shy away from it all. I am proud of you and my mom for working through it and struggling to do well and SUCCEEDING!!! Way to go!