Sunday, December 8, 2013

Preparing for the Second Coming

The assignment I chose to complete included reading and explaining the list ofscripture references that teach about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. My references included the LDS version of the New Testament, the Bible Dictionary, and The New Testament Made Easier. I posted my work on my blog at  I chose this assignment to learn and review the Second Coming. It was helpful to review this information. I can remember as a teenager telling my sister that I was afraid of the Second Coming. She told me if I was prepared I wouldn't be afraid. Now as an adult I am not afraid in the same way. Although I feel more prepared I am grateful each day I wake up and have another day to prepare to meet God. The best part of this assignment is the reminder I received to be diligent by watching and praying, to continue to study the scriptures, and to always be a wise virgin. I do not know if there is significance to the reference to the trump being sounded. I researched trump and sound of a trump in the Bible dictionary to see exactly what that meant. I did not go any further. This and any assignment could be improved by more research by me. 

Preparing for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Mark 13:5  Don’t be deceived by any man.
Mark 13:9  Believers will be a target for arrest and for beatings. The behavior of the tormentor’s will be held against them at their judgment.
Mark 13:23  Read the scriptures to know warnings foretold of the Second Coming.
Mark 13:33  No man knows the day of the Second Coming. Watch and pray in preparation.
Mark 13.:37  The warning is for every man on earth.
D&C 87:8  Jesus is the Light of the world. He is truth.
Joseph Smith-Matt 1:32  The abomination of desolation is mentioned in this scripture. According to the Bible dictionary this phrase spoken by Daniel means Jerusalem will be under siege in the last days.
Joseph Smith 1:37 This scripture teaches us if we treasure up, which would mean to study, ponder, and pray regarding the scriptures, we will not be deceived in the last days. It also tells that Jesus will send his angels to sound a trump and gather the remainder of the elect from the four corners of the world.
Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:46-50 This scripture repeats that no one knows when the Second Coming will take place. Then the scripture explains the importance of always being prepared. The example of a man of the house is told. If the man knew a thief was coming to break in he would have been prepared. Instead it is better to always watch for the second coming and always be prepared.  Key word always, do not procrastinate the day of repentance.
D&C 33:17  This scripture teaches all to pray always, to be prepared as were the five wise virgins, so when the Savior returns we are ready at that moment.

D&C 45:45-57 This scripture tells that the Second Coming will be in fulfillment of the parable of the ten virgins. The parable is the example of 10 virgins, five of which were wise and five were foolish. The five wise virgins received the gospel and practiced its principles. These virgins were able to go into the wedding feast. The five foolish virgins did not have the required oil in their lamps. One interpretation of the oil in their lamps is participation in the gospel. The five wise virgins attended their meetings, held callings, paid their tithing; all these are actions of which the wise virgins were unable to share with the foolish virgins. The time for action and preparation was past. The scripture says the wise virgins have received the truth or accepted the gospel and have not been deceived. The foolish virgins left to obtain the necessary oil, but upon their return the gates to the wedding party were closed and they were not able to enter. 

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