Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jack & the Beanstalk...or was that a tomato plant?

Earlier this summer I was ambitious enough to plant 6 cherry tomato plants. I chose 2 different planting spots. For the last 5 or 6 years my cherry tomato plants have grown in the parking strip at the end of the driveway. They have been very prolific & even reseeded every year. Unfortunately a ground cover dominated the space & won out. No tomato seedlings this year so I bought new plants. I planted 3 plants in that spot hoping they would take hold & flourish. The other 3 I planted to the side of my house. This was a new experiment. In fact my thougthts were these plants would not get enough sun & would not do well. Now at the end of the growing season plants 1, 2, & 3 in the parking strips were all but a failure. Two died out completely & the third struggled enough to produce 20 cherry tomatoes, which were yummy, but not the usual yield I have been accustomed to from that spot. In contrast plants 3, 4, & 5 are unbelievable. I have never seen tomato plants as tall or as long as these grew. If I didn't know better I would think someone traded out regular tomato seeds with magic tomato seeds in an attempt to climb to that magical palace where the goose that lays golden eggs lives. It is hard to see in the picture, but the green shoots above the lilac bush are my cherry tomato plants. They grew up through & are supported by the lilac bush. Other people win prizes for the biggest pumpkin, not me...I have the tallest tomato plants.


Ang said...

You should have taken pictures and brought them to the fair! I'm sad to see the growing season come to a close so quickly. It wasn't long enough, and we didn't get nearly enough fresh vegetables!

jenjen said...

I just read this post. that's crazy. You are one of the best green thumbs I know. What is the deal!

Stephen and Amanda said...

Mom, that's so much fun. I want to plant something and have fresh food like that. How exciting that the ones you didn't think would do well did. You get the tallest tomato plant award, definitley!!