Sunday, October 12, 2008

Just a Glimpse

I had Dad, then Rob, then Austin mention my lack of blogging of late. I would love to be blogging, but instead I am trying to figure out microbioloby & chemistry. Both are tougher than I expeccted & I do expect to retake both. I will be happy to get passing grades, which right now is doubtful. I have learned why people retake classes. It is because they are really hard classes & reading for hours isn't always enough. Even old dogs sometimes are forced to learn new tricks. I am sharing just a glimpse of what I see in my micro lab. This week we looked at helminths (worms that infest humans & yeasts-which humans eat!) It is so interesting. I enjoy the lab, it's the class that's killing me. I am fascinated by the subject, how our cells work, it really is a miracle to me. If I learn nothing more from my college experience I have a greater understanding & stronger testimony that we are divinely created. There can be no other way. I do not understand why it has been said scientist's have a harder time believing in God. The more I learn, the more I see God's hand in our creation. 


Julianne said...

School is tough, but I want to go back!! Keep up the good work and I am sure you will do better than you think. I have never taken microbiology, but I did take biology and it really was neat how organized all cells and life is, it really did help my testimony about how we are divinely created, and I am sure that microbiology gives you that even more.

James Hoopes said...

I feel your pain, and I would kill for the option of retaking a class, with the military there is a no fail policy, so I pray the extra listening pays off, and I do literally mean pray!

Amy Lu said...

That is super cool though huh? I wanted to do microbiology at one point but then I discovered chemistry and where it could take me and found my new love anyway I love science too and what a testimony builder it is.

Ang said...

Wow, that sounds very interesting. It's tough, but you have to feel so proud of your accomplishments. I still hope to go back someday....when I don't have so many little ones to help with their homework!

Carissa J said...

Those pics are gross! They look like little worms. You're doing awesome, Vonnie. Keep up the good work!

kathy said...

I certainly admire you for going back to school. I don't think I could do it. Hang in there. Sounds like those are interesting but hard classes.

jenjen said...

wow mom, that's sick...I have to comment on Kathy's picture though...I am trying to stop laughing that looks like a school picture (which I know is) but is reminds me of the grody smelly cafeteria in junior high, sort of dangerous, ya know...I don't look forward to stepping into that place any time...

Stephen and Amanda said...

Mom, holy cow! I think I would gag and throw up going into that lab and having to look at those kinds of things and learning about what they do, or are used for, or whatever else. Good job and I give you a big shout out just for being in school and doing so good. Keep up the good work, you're so close!