Saturday, March 29, 2014

Book of Mormon Scripture Activity 2: Prayer

  1. Read Ether 1:34-39, 43 and write a statement about the role prayer played in the Jaredites' early history.  
     During the time of the Tower of Babel and all the ensuing confusion which seems like a major trial or disruption, Jared and the Brother of Jared looked to the Lord for assistance and directions. The Brother of Jared prayed and received answers to his prayer, which indicates his belief and faith in God. The word cried is used to describe  the manner in which he prayed. I believe this indicates his prayers were heart felt and emotional, in comparison to a family prayer closing out the day. The question Jared asks in connection to where the Lord may lead them leads me to believe their relationship to God is positive in that they had the hope that even though being driven from their homeland, the place we may end up will be better and choice above all others. Had they focused on the confusion surrounding them and attached or blamed God their expectation of help from him would have been less optimistic. Overall, I believe they had an established relationship with God through prayer. They had faith he would bless them. They enjoyed miracles after the test of their faith.
  1. Verse 34; The Brother of Jared was highly favored of the Lord.
  2. Jared, his brother asked his to Cry unto the Lord so their language would not be confounded.
  3. Verse 35: The Brother of Jared cried unto the Lord
  4. The Lord had compassion on Jared
  5. The language of Jared and his brother was not confounded.
  6. Verse 36:  jared asked his brother to pray again to the Lord to turn away God's anger so their friends language would not be confounded.
  7. Verse 37: The Brother of Jared prayed to the Lord.
  8. The Lord had compassion on their friends and family.
  9. Their language was not confounded.
  10. Verse 38: Jared asked his brother to pray and inquire if they were to be driven out of the land.
  11. If they were to be driven out of the land, where were they to go?
  12. Jared said, "Who knoweth but the Lord will carry us forth into a land which is choice above all the earth?" 
  13. Jared then says, "if it so be, let us be faithful unto the Lord, taht we may receive it for our inheritance."
  14. Verse 39: The Brother of Jared followed his brothers instructions and cried unto the Lord.
  15. Verse 43  They are promised they will be blessed, as well as their posterity, also those that travel with them.
  16. They will be a great nation.
  17. These blessing come from their devotion to the Lord.
  1. In response to requests from Jared, the brother of Jared "did cry unto the Lord"(Ether 1:34-39). Read Ether 2:14 and write your answer to the following questions:
    • Why did the Lord chasten the brother of Jared?
    • Why you think God wants us to come to Him often in prayer?
    • What is the difference between crying unto the Lord and merely saying our prayers?
    • What can you do to make your prayers more effective?
1. The Brother of Jared was chastened because he had not remembered to pray.
2. I think we are reminded to pray often for several reasons. When we kneel to pray and bow our heads we are in a position of reverence and humility to whom we are praying. Humility is defined in True to the Faith, "to be humble is to recognize gratefully your dependence on the Lord." Praying in reverent obedience shows the Lord we are sincere and humble of heart. We are also weak and easily distracted by the vain things of this world. We learned from the student manual that, "We are subject to temptation and struggle. Each of us experiences personal weaknesses. Nevertheless, the Lord clearly teaches that as we come unto him in humility and faith, He will turn weakness into strength." Frequent prayer protects us from the temptation we are so distracted by and prone to as fallen beings. I also believe praying to Heavenly Father keeps our pride in check. We are not the master of our universe and recognize from whence we came, continually.
3. Praying to the Lord happens in most group settings. We pray in church, we hold family prayer, a cowboy prayed at the rodeo last night for the safety of the participants. I believe crying to the Lord happens more often in a personal setting, where all pretense is laid aside, from the depths of a persons heart and soul. Yet, even this would not be the best definition of the difference. To illustrate I will use a personal experience. A few years ago my granddaughter aspirated on a kernel of popcorn. After CPR, first aid from a police officer,she was taken by ambulance to our local hospital then life-flighted to Primary Children's. I thought she was not going to live. With a laying on of hands as she was passed from police to ambulance, she took her first breath after many long minutes. As family members gathered at the hospital we cried to the Lord for the doctors and nurses caring for her and for her life. Through the night as we camped out in a conference room at the hospital, I cried to the Lord in my heart and I believe every other family member did as we tossed and turned in sleeplessness waiting for the dawn to bring news of hope. This is my best example of the difference between praying and crying to the Lord. We cried to the Lord personally and as a group. Crying to the Lord has more to do with the depth of our soul as we pray, while being stripped of pride. We sincerely acknowledge that we will accept His will. We were very grateful when Jayne was released from the hospital a few days later. We recognize the power of the priesthood. We are grateful for miracles.
4. This semester and last I have scrutinized my prayers. As I read my assignments I look at the examples of those in the scriptures for ways to improve my prayers. I can pray more often. I am fairly consistent with my morning and evening prayers, but not perfect. I recently found myself repenting in relationship to my prayers, that they are not sincere enough. That thought has rattled around for a week or so. I was glad to read the story in the student manual of the student in Brazil that vacillated between paying her tithing or her school fees. After making up her mind to pay her tithing and turning it in to her Bishop she asked forgiveness for her indecision. I felt like her feelings of repentance were similar to mine and it is okay to express awareness of weakness even when the weakness is contained in something I should be doing, like prayer. Then I chastise myself for my lack of faith. I struggle believing I am worthy of what I am praying for. My prayers will improve if I am Sincere, pray Often, with Faith andTestimony my prayers won't be soft, which lack devotion. As I lay on my soft pillow I will listen for answers and remember this commitment to avoid soft prayers. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Book of Mormon Reading Assignment Week 9

List of what we should know or do because we have the Book of Mormon:  3 Nephi 29:1-4,8-9
1. The covenant Heavenly Father made with the children of Israel in connection to the restoration of the lands of their inheritance has commenced.
2. The words of the Lord, spoken of by holy prophets will all be fulfilled.
3. It is not appropriate to say the Lord delays his coming to the children of Israel.
4. The words spoken and covenants made by the Lord to the people of the house of Israel are not vain.
5. When these promises are published and shared, they should not be spurned. We are taught that, "the word spurn and hiss are used to warn Book of Mormon readers in the latter days to not treat lightly the Lord's covenants with Israel. Spurn means to reject with disdain and hiss is to express disdain or disapprobation by hissing. We must recognize this warning, "In the time of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon there will be a pronounced lack of understanding, belief, and reverence for both the reality of the Second Coming and the work of the Lord in gathering Israel." Those that spurn and hiss will have their actions turned back and consume them.
6. Covenants will be fulfilled and all are invited to claim the same covenants and promises.
Warnings Mormon gave in 3 Nephi 29:5-7:
1. Warning to those that spurn at the doings of the Lord.
2. Warning to those that deny Jesus Christ and his works.
3. Warning to those that deny the revelations of the Lord.
4. Warning to those that say the Lord no longer works by revelation, prophecy, gifts, tongues, healings or by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5. Warning to those that say that no miracle can be performed by Jesus Christ for the purpose of getting gain. 
Those that do not heed the warnings are like the son of perdition, who will receive no mercy.
Mormon's warnings are given to the latter-day Gentiles in 3 Nephi 30 1-2:
1. Hearken to the words of Jesus Christ, who is the son of the living God. 
2. Turn from wicked ways.
3. Repent of evil doings which include lying, deceiving, whoredoms, secret abominations, idolatries, murders, priestcrafts, envyings, and strifes.
The warnings are directed to the House of Israel. Gentile means nations, but refers to any person not of the house of Israel. The word has two meaning; descendants of Israelite lineage and those nations without the gospel regardless of true Israelite blood. The people in the Book of Mormon most often fall in the second category. 
 Steps someone can take to overcome these types of sins:
1. Come unto Christ.
2. Baptism in his name to receive a remission of sins and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
3. Be numbered among the House of Israel.
Mormon included these warnings as we are gentiles adopted into the house of Israel through baptism. "Mormon offered the only antidote to these destructive conditions-come unto Jesus Christ and have faith in Him, repent of your sins, be baptized, and be filled with the Holy Ghost that ye may be numbered with my people who are of the house of Israel."We are then able to make temple covenants and enjoy the blessings promised to Abraham.  Just a note about lineage after listening to your lecture. I looked at my patriarchal blessing. My blessing says, "You are descended from the ancient patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You are of the true blood of Israel. In your lecture you mention those descended from European nations are generally not of the blood of Israel, but some are. My most recent relatives came from England with a line from France. I have my parents blessing as they are both deceased so I looked at their blessings also to see my lineage was consistent through them.  My mothers mentions Ephraim. My fathers says, "...for the blood of Israel flows through your veins, even that of the great man Joseph who was sold into Egypt and there are great blessing in store for you..." So, both blessing are saying the same thing. I recognize how I live is what qualifies me for the blessings and covenants of Abraham, but interesting to note the lineage. 

Book of Mormon Week 10 Reading Assignment

Scripture Activity 2: Reasons for Sorrow

Mormon 2:10-15  Reasons for the Nephite sorrow:
1.The Nephites were losing their belongings and lives to thieves, robbers, murderers, and witchcraft.
2. They sorrowed that they were not able to continue to live a life of sin without consequence.
 Mormon 2:18-19, 25-27  List the reasons for Mormon's sorrow:
1. Mormon viewed a continual scene of wickedness and abominations within this nation.
2. His army of 30,000 had to contend against the Lamanite army of 50,000 and the strength of the Lord was not with them.  He said, "the Spirit of the Lord did not abide in us; therefore we had become weak like unto our brethren."
What was the difference between the sorrow of the Nephites and the sorrow of Mormon?
Elder Neal A Maxwell explained the difference between godly sorrow and "the sorrowing of the damned. After recognition, real remorse floods the soul. There is a 'godly sorrow , not merely a 'sorrow of the world' nor the 'sorrowing of the damned'when we can no longer 'take happiness in sin'." False remorse is like fondling our failings.(student manual)  First, the word fondling is a creepy word, it conjures of thoughts of child predator. So fondling our failings/sins should remind us how repulsive it is to nurture a relationship with them. I realized that I am a too defensive and have come to realize too many times I defend bad behavior in being defensive. The sorrow of the Nephites was to fondle or defend their sin, therefore continue in sin, whereas Mormon recognized sin for what it is and sorrowed for their unrepentant nature.
Explain in writing how each of the following scripture passages relates to the Nephites' sorrow, to Mormon's sorrow, or to both:
1.Alma 41:10:  We cannot sin and expect happiness to be the reward. Blessings and eternal life are given to those who are obedient. The Nephites had sorrow in their sin and were not willing to change their behavior. Therefore, their sorrow was caused by their behavior. Mormon wrote that when his people became wicked they lost the strength of the Lord that had previously protected them. The Nephites remained in denial of their wickedness and their sorrow persisted through to their death. 
2. Alma 42:29: Only let sin trouble us, which will bring us to repentance. The Nephites were concerned about their 'worldly possessions' and their prestige which blinded them to their sinful state. Thus, they did not feel sorrow to repentance. It reminds me of news stories where a person is defending their violent act because the other person who is often times dead, "disrespected them."  What does that even mean? Someone glances wrong or stab them. This is prevalent in our society. Unfortunately respect is earned, not won in the streets. Maintaining self respect with violence is a dead end.
3. Moroni 10:22  Lack of hope = despair an despair = iniquity.  Mormon lost hope in his people, not through his personal iniquity, but because his people would not repent and turn to the Lord. Perfect scripture for me today. I have said, "I give up" way too many times in my life, but I always look at conditions in my life, not the state of my life. The Nephites did not make this connection as they faced extermination. I wonder if this could be applied to the troubled Jewish nation. I grew up with the poster of a cat hanging on to the end of a rope and the caption to hang on. I am not sure that is the best advice. Why is the cat in that position and what changes should the cat make to get out of that position. Our sin takes us to the end of the rope. Why hang on to the end of the rope when repentance will change our position. When in despair, find the sin behind it, apply the steps of repentance and make changes for a return to hope.
4. 2 Corinthians 7:9-10  This scripture tells of difference between godly sorrow which brings repentance and eternal life and worldly sorrow which brings unrepentant behavior and death. The atonement fixes both spiritual death through sorrow and repentance and physical death through resurrection. The Nephites will enjoy the reward of resurrection, but will suffer spiritual death because their sorrow did not bring them to repentance. Understanding godly sorrow becomes very personal when a child or sibling exemplify Nephite behavior. My brother continues his Nephite lifestyle which so evidently is bringing physical and spiritual death. I have a daughter that allowed Nephite behavior to lead her off the path for a time. I experienced verse 9, Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance. It is scary to watch loved ones when their sorrow is misguided.
5. Moses 7:28-40.  We were created and given agency. We were given commandments to obey. We will be punished if we choose wickedness over obedience and repentance. We are accountable for our sins. Sin is taught from generation to generation and leads to Satan the father of misery and doom. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ sorrow over the wickedness of their children. These scriptures are in reference to the time of Noah and the destruction brought about by iniquity. It applies to the Nephites and every person that has lived on the earth. The Nephites had agency. They had leaders and prophets to lead them. They did not choose to repent and joined the people of Noah in the prison God prepared. Every person born and alive past the age of accountability has the same obligation to understand the purpose of this life and reap the rewards of happiness or sorrow.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday Family Night

     After work Austin, Julianne, Addy, Clara Anne, and Tilly came over for just about an hour. It is always fun to have them over. We sat on the back patio while Gramps showed Austin the new grow box. We talked about fruit trees. Austin wants to plant a lemon tree, a grapefruit tree, and a kumquat tree in his yard. We have our orange tree and it has blossoms. According to Austin we should let the tree produce fruit for two years so the growth all goes into the tree. It is always hard to pluck the flowers or buds off. I want to see the life cycle. After they left we went into town and met Jen and fam and Mand and Stephen at Red Robin. We had a lot of fun. We talked and laughed and had a good meal. Not healthy in the biggest lament right now. Came home and spent the last couple of hours setting up the yard sale with Jen. I don't have time for all I must do tomorrow...not sure what to cut out. Friday is over, it was a good day.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday Night Gatherings

   Only sixteen left...hip, hip, hooray!  Have I mentioned that I don't love the Thursday night gatherings? Have I mentioned they seem to be a waste of time. The lesson material is a review of what I have done with the homework. My missionaries are not the friendliest people I have ever met. That being said, I must eat some humble pie this week. The homework this week is a continuation of exponents and the rules regarding them and more Excel. I can do the math, but I was stuck on the Excel. I asked another student for help! I have been a little proud and a humbling experience was long overdue. I did work a problem on the board, but I couldn't do the Excel portion of the homework to save my life. I received help from another student, from the Lead student and just before leaving another student. I think I am going to be able to figure it out...Yeah. The gatherings have meaning and all good things come to an end.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tempting Fate

     Last night I posted that I would not compare myself to others. It does not change my situation and more often than not it creates negative feelings in me. I was feeling very good at work today. Diana asked me to have the Portland team sit by me as they are learning DocVelocity. It included a meet and greet, then a 15 minute session, then a lunch, then another 45 minute session. All that happened, except the last training session. In the mean time Diana came to me and asked me to help Paul order appraisals, even thought he cancels aren't caught up. Then later she came and asked me to help Andrew catch up on something he does, he will train me tomorrow. I was feeling pretty good, I feel like Diana can ask me to help and I always say yes. It was also fun to do something different, I am bored reviewing files. Well, on my ride home I find out my car pool buddy got her feelings hurt. Alison was in her office and pried out of her why and of course Keith and Diana were all apologizing and etc. Of course I remind myself that none of them would ever care if there was anything wrong with me. And I have learned to completely mask any personal feelings at work. So, instead of keeping the good feelings I had I compared myself and traded the good for negative. It wasn't until I was on my jog that I realized I had done what I didn't want to do. I must remember as the situation is happening, not after I am well into a comparison. I will try again tomorrow. I am late getting to bed and I am falling asleep.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Winding Down...The Last Week Practicum

Teancum and Bill went to see the Hobbit. Gramps got a kick out of Tank. He said he laughed during the movie and got a little scared too. After the movie Tank told Gramps that the movie was very well made. I am glad Tank and Gramps could go to a movie together and I am glad I got to stay home and work on homework, do the dishes and a load of laundry. I read a few of the essays in my new book of happiness and it was explained why we shouldn't compare ourselves. If we compare to any that have more or do better in life we feel less satisfied with ourselves and our situation. Yet, when we compare to those with less we feel gratitude. In the end comparing to either does not change our situation. I am taking note of this suggestion and plan to apply it when I find myself in the comparison mood.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Week Nine, Five To Go

   Today as I thought about what I have learned in my practicum, I believe one of the most important modifications I can make personally will be to control my thoughts. I get to choose what I think about. I believe I have spent too much time thinking about the hard experiences I have had. As I was running this evening I thought about Mom and Dad. I thought about receiving Tiny Tears for Christmas. My parents tried to provide a happy experience for me and those are the types of experiences I want to remember and think about. My worry is that I have pushed good experiences out of my memory by focusing so often on the experiences that were difficult. I am going to concentrate on remembering all the good things about my life and start writing them here. As I was running I thought about being in first grade. I knew how to read at the beginning of first grade. I was ahead of the other kids. I felt good about myself, I felt smart. I had checked books out from the bookmobile all through the summer. I wanted to read so bad. I would look at the books. I would look at the words. I would ask my brother or sister what a word said. I would sit with the book and repeat what they told me. I would have to ask them about the same word, sometimes over and over. By the time school started and I was a first grader I was reading. I still love to read. I am happy I can read. I am happy I can see. It is one of the great blessing in life, reading.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday March 9, 2014 How Many Weeks Left?

Mosiah 16:11

If they be good, to the resurrection of endless life and happiness; and if they be evil, to the resurrection of endless damnation, being delivered up to the devil, who hath subjected them, which is damnation— 

Article One  The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People  #1, #2, & #3  by David Niven  PH. D.
1. Your Life Has Purpose & Meaning:  Without clearly defined purpose, 7 in 10 individuals feel unsettled in their lives. With a purpose, almost 7 in 10 feel satisfied. 
2. Use a Strategy for Happiness: Surveys show that happy and unhappy people tend to have had very similar life experiences. The difference is that the average unhappy person spends more than twice as much time thinking about unpleasant events in their lives, while happy people tend to seek and rely upon information that brightens their personal outlook. 
3. You Don't Have to Win Every Time: Competitiveness can preclude life satisfaction because no accomplishment can prove sufficient, and failures are particularly devastating. Ultra competitive rate their success with lower marks than some people rate their failures. 

Article Two  The Doctrinal Importance of Marriage and Children  by Elder Russell M Nelson
     God's plan of happiness is perfect. As we teach it in our homes, quorums, councils, and classes, we bless all with love, hope, peace, and joy here and hereafter. i so declare along with my declaration of love and appreciation for you.

Article Three  The Gifts of Christmas by President Henry B Erying
     The Savior made clear that true faith leads to keeping God's commandments and that in turn qualifies us for the gift of eternal life, which is to live with God forever in heavenly light. The lesson is not that we can have such marvelous experiences whenever we wish for them.-nor that they will come even when we feel great need from them. The lesson is that God knows our every need, that He loves us, and that He watches over us. There was a song in a film years ago with the line "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas." Well, you can give a great and wonderful Christmas if you remember the gifts God has given you and as best you can offer them to othrs as He would. That is the spirit of Christmas and of true happiness every day. 

Interview #1  Teancum James Hoopes  My oldest grandson  14 years old  Life time member
Scale of 1-10   Tank said, "10?"  (I am not sure if he believes he is a 10, but guessing he is is okay with me!)
Three things that make him happy:
1. Safety
2. Family
3. Something to do
Three times or events when he was happy:
1. The first Hoopes family reunion in Springville, Utah...7 years ago.
2. When his dad returned from 7 month deployment. Was stationed in Iraq.
3. When he and his dad made a computer together from scrap parts.
Three things that contribute to happiness:
1. When I read my scriptures.
2. When I hang out or talk to a family member...he has 2 brothers and 4 sisters + mom and dad.
3. Find something to do that will help take my mind off my bad mood or problem, like a video game.
Advice he would give to someone seeking advice on happiness:  I would ask them if they've read their scriptures lately. I would then ask them what they think the cause of their unhappiness is. Then I would encourage them by telling them that they will be able to work through it and problems eventually go away.

Interview #2  James William Hoopes  My oldest son and oldest child.  Thirty something. Life time member. Married with 7 children. Full time US Army, Fort Hood Texas
Scale of 1-10  James said, "7".
Three things that make him happy:
1. Family
2. Past success
3. The Gospel  (He then said, "Not in that particular order.)
Three events that made him happy:
1. The very first glimpse of each child.
2. His wedding day to Erin.  Married in 1998.
3. Moment when an art project is completed.
Three things that contribute to his happiness:
1. When family and religion are combined. 
2. When principles of the Gospel are followed and family members are together.
3. The culminations of the creative process in connection with the gospel, the mixture of elements and process of creation.
Advice to a friend seeking help on happiness:  It is interesting, but my first response would be to ask them question and listen to them, I wouldn't give advice. I would rather ask questions.

    I am happy for this experience of gathering information about happiness. I am thankful I found the book on happiness. I believe the scriptures and conference talks are most important, but the information in the book is interesting and I have not read anything contrary to church teachings. I will continue to read scriptures, talks,and my new book.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Book of Mormon Week 8 Assignment 1

Five Principles of Prayer   3 Nephi 18:15-25
1. Pray always. This is so we will not be tempted by the devil and led away captive by him.  V 15
2. Follow Jesus Christ's example in prayer.  V 16
3. Always pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. V 19
4. When we ask the Father in the name of Jesus Christ for that which is right, with faith, will be given to us.  V 20
5. Pray in families in Jesus name so wives and children will be blessed.  V 21
Bonus Points:  Hold our light that it will shine unto the world. Jesus Christ is the light we share with the world. Follow his example. V 24
Invite all to partake, pray for them, and do not push any away.  V 22,23, & 25
     I set a goal this last week to pray before I did homework. I believe I felt the Spirit that evening as I worked. I also set a goal to be more specific. For example, instead of asking for my grandchildren to be blessed at school, I referred to them by name. Then, I brought a solution to an employment issue to the Lord. I am waiting for that answer or resolution. It is these types of prayers that I falter in faith. I believe I need to increase my faith and believe that the things I pray for will happen. I question myself if what is pray for is right. 
     I receive answers to my prayers in connection to my gospel questions. I believe prayers are answered. The gap for me is we are told we will receive what we are asking right. Elder Boyd K Packer said, "Learn to pray. Pray often. Pray in your minds, in  your heart. Pray on your knees...Prayer is  your personal key to heaven. The lock is on your side of the veil." These are all suggestions I am currently using. Elder Gene R Cook also explains important aspects of prayer, especially when we pray in public. At the end of his message he said, "Surely the Lord is not pleased with such an approach, (praying to impress an audience) nor will he answer the prayers of one who is not focused on the Lord or who does not pray with real intent. Although he is speaking about prayer in public I believe these two points also apply to personal prayer. My plan is to keep working on prayer, so I will know that I am praying for what is right. I will continue to pray often. I will pray on my knees. I will focus on who I am speaking to. I will pray to know His will for me.
   When Jesus is speaking about family prayer he is speaking to the multitude. When he mentions prayer in families he says to pray always that your wives and children may be blessed. Because of those words about wives and children he may have been speaking to the heads of household, but I don't think the instructions are specific to them. I do not believe it is the responsibility of the father to always remember and always gather the family for prayer. Life is easier when everyone takes some responsibility making sure morning and evening prayers are said. I believe Jesus wants families to pray for the Spirit to be with them for protection. President Eyring said in relation to this, "It is because He knows perfectly the powerful forces that influence us and also what it means to be human...He knows what it is like to have the cares of the world press in upon us...and he knows how our human powers to cope are not constant." Jesus want us to pray always and pray for his protection.

 James flew in from Texas last night. We went to Abraham's t-ball game and BBQ pizza at Jen and Dave's. It is always a happy day, spending time with the kids.

Friday, March 7, 2014

I am so glad...

I am glad it is Friday. I am glad I get to sleep and not wake up to an alarm for two mornings. I am glad I can read. I love to read and I love math. I am glad I am in school. I am glad I am a mother. I am glad I am a grandmother. I am glad I am a wife. I am glad I am a sister. I am glad I can go to bed...right now.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday, Gathering, Amanda

Thursdays are one of my favorite days. I drive myself to work, which is a break from my car pool. I don't love to drive my self, but I love the break. I get to listen to whichever radio station I choose or listen to a book on tape. I get to make telephone calls without others hearing the conversation. I get to go to a couple of stores before going to school. Today Amanda came in and met me. We stopped at the teacher store and shopped. Mand and I are so much alike. When she was younger, I didn't like being so much alike. Now it is like a comfortable sweater. She is easy to be with and mostly happy. She doesn't put pressure on me or label me. She lets me be me. I think that is one of the best gifts we can give each other. I can try to be more like Mand and let others be themselves.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Treasure Hunt

     I missed a day again. This has happened twice now. I drop into bed, exhausted, later than I should be going to bed. I drift off to sleep. Then in the morning, the alarm goes off, and I have a fairly clear mind and I realize I have not posted for my practicum. If I were keeping  a list of what make me unhappy, this would be near the top. I am crazy and very nutsy about getting good grades. I can let housework go, I can sit for hours working on homework, I am tenacious. I am not a slacker when it comes to homework of any kind. But I do forget sometimes!
    I have noticed as I read scriptures, the student manual, and conference talks the word 'happy' much more often. I like running across a sentence that tells me I can be happy or how I can be happy. After reading the sentence or paragraph I always wonder if that particular information will be listed under happiness when I do a search, as it is not the main topic of the article. I love random thoughts and messages about happiness. My practicum has turned into a treasure hunt, both in my reading and inside myself.

Monday, March 3, 2014

More Happiness

2 Nephi 2:13

And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness.  And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. and if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away.

1.  Happiness

doesn’t just happen.
Smiles shower
into a life
only when someone
has seeded
darkening cloudiness
with plans
that lead to glowing.
Joy jumps into view
only when someone
is beating
the bushes
to keep
glad action going.
requires reach
up and out
from waiting pose.

2. Good Choices Equal Happiness   by Elder S Gifford Nielson

     The Lord opens His arms to us. We love Him by living the gospel.  :Through life's experiences we are molded to become something,: said Elder Nielsen. "I learned that the Lord never leaves you and what it takes to get back up when you get knocked down."  When he was a bishop he taught the 90 kids in his ward this catchphrase, :Good choices equal happiness...eternally." 
     Sometimes people get down on their luck and bail on the very thing that will help them, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sadly, we know some who have decided to dive out instead of diving in when facing life's obstacles. Work through your issues. We are all trying to overcome the issues of this world. 

3. Conversion Story   by Lisa
     I likes to go out partying, a lot. I looked forward to the weekends. We would go the the bars, do silly things. I thought I was happy, now I know I wasn't. I was making wrong decisions. i knew there was more. I knew I could do more. I didn't know how before the missionaries knocked on my door. It didn't matter how I used to be, it was what I could become. The more I learned about the plan the greater my need to change. He doesn't ask us to change so we will be miserable. He asks us to change so you can be given so much more. He can bless you with the Spirit more.

Interview 1  David Mix  Son in Law  Lifetime member
     On a scale from 1-10   Dave is a 7.5
Asked 3 things that make him happy:
1. Family
2. Faith
3. Work
Asked 3 events that are his happiest so far:
1. The day he married Jen.
2. Having children. They have 4 daughters.
3. The day he graduated from ASU with a Master in Electrical Engineering.
Asked 3 things that contribute most to happiness:
1. People who are kind.
2. People who are intelligent.
3. People who are positive.
Advice to other, how to be happy:
Be grateful. 

Interview 2  Austin Hoopes  Son, child number 4  Lifetime member
Asked 3 things that make him happy:
1. Easily the gospel, being a member of the Church.
2. My family.
3. Successful employment.
Asked 3 events that have been his happiest so far:
1. Birth of children, they have 3 daughters.
2. Day he married Julianne.
3. Returning home from Afghanistan, deployed for 12 months. Apache helicopter pilot, served 2012-2013. Served as a Branch President while there.
Most important contributing factor to happiness:  Understand the plan of Salvation. Other things contribute, but that is most important.
Advice to others, how to be happy:
Learn who God is and what He requires of you.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dedication of the Gilbert Temple

Today I attended the Gilbert Temple dedication at my stake center. I sat next to Claire Mary Mix. I am so happy I get to share important events with my grandchildren. I read 3 Nephi 18 while waiting for the dedication to begin. Jesus was visiting on the American continent. He prepared the sacrament for the multitude. We take the sacrament in remembrance of Him.
     President Eyring conducted the first session. We were able to watch the sealing of the cornerstone. President Monson was first, then he had his daughter, President Eyring, our new temple President LaSeur and his wife. One of President Monson's grandsons that live here in Arizona, and several others all placed some mortar around the cornerstone. President Monson had four children he had walked past also participate. When that was finished they went upstairs to the Celestial room. The choir sang a song, we listened to Sister LaSeur and President LaSeur. I was especially impressed by the new president. He has been a farmer here in Arizona. He donated the land where the temple was built. He mentioned a comment made by a visitor to the temple during the open house. It was mentioned that the temple must have cost a lot of money. They response to that was the comparison of the cost of broken families, the cost related to drugs, gambling, and pornography, and other costs to the breakdown in society. Best answer I have heard in defense of spending a lot of money to keep families together and teach them to live in a way to return to live with Heavenly Father. I am so glad to have this new temple president. We also her from Tad R Callister. President Eyring gave an emotional address, followed by President Monson. The dedicatory prayer was given by President Eyring. The Hosana Shout was explained by and led by Elder Walker. We joined in singing The Spirit of God, followed by the closing prayer.
    I was happy to sit by Claire. She was wiggly and had a lot of questions. I am glad she could attend. At eight years old there is a lot yet to learn. I am thankful for this temple and the opportunity I have to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

From the News

2.27.2014  Today as I was drying my hair I let my mind wander. I remembered the day I went to the store and bought my hair dryer. I remember wanting just he 'right one'. I wanted it to dry my thick hair efficiently. I looked at the wattage of each dryer. I looked at size and durability. I wanted to make a good decision so I wouldn't have to buy another dryer for a long time. It has been a few years and I was happy with my dryer...until I used my daughter in law's hair dryer. She has the best hair dryer I have ever used. It works fast, it is easy to hold, I think it is smaller the one I have. I want a hair dryer like hers. Then I started thinking about my reading and the lecture this week. I thought about Jesus coming to fulfill the law, not destroy the law. He isn't saying I can't use a hair dryer anymore, he is offering the best hair dryer ever invented. I want his hair dryer. He wants me to live a higher law. He wants me to show mercy. He wants me to be a peacemaker. He wants me to chose his way.
23.1.2014  I have been trying to resolve a political issue all week long and I believe I found my answer this morning. First I prayed before I started to study and second I noted a page number in the student manual so I would remember something that impressed me at the time. This morning I went back to the page and didn't remember what I was impressed by, but scanning the page found it. It is my answer to the political situation in Arizona this week. A bill passed this week which would protect business owners from lawsuits allowing them to refuse service based on religious beliefs. Although passed through our legislature it had not been signed by the governor. So much debate and drama. The spin on this bill has been that if this bill was signed it would be open discrimination on gay people everywhere. All the heavy hitters came to the party. Arizona is hosting the Super Bowl next year, that organization threatened to pull out if the bill passed. A restaurant owner posted a sign that his establishment would refuse service to legislators that voted in favor of the bill. The governor was out of town and the hype continued to escalate and the tension grew as the people weighed in on whether or not the bill would be vetoed this Saturday. Governor Jan Brewer arrived back in town on Wednesday and by Thursday morning I learned she had vetoed the bill on Wednesday night and put an end to the debate. In my opinion it is another win for the dark side. I do not believe we should discriminate, but I do not believe we should retaliate. I believe we are giving up our rights and freedom to a godless government. This law was intended to protect business owners that have been bullied out of business because they stood up for their beliefs. A photographer in Texas said they did not want to photograph a gay wedding, homosexuality is against their religious beliefs. A baker in Colorado, his business now closed and facing possible jail time, did not want to bake a cake for a gay couple...homosexuality is against his religious beliefs. All week I have been struggling with this. I believe the pendulum has swung in favor of homosexuality because it is no longer considered a sin by main stream America. Therefore, those who believe it is as sin, no longer have a leg to stand on. We are considered bigots and discriminators. I want to remember this message from Elder Russel M Nelson. For me it explains why I feel the way I do and why I believe Governor Brewer should not have vetoed the bill. "Jesus taught the golden rule, saying, 'all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you , do ye even so to them, Matt 7:12. This principle is found in nearly every religion. Others such as Confucius and Aristotle have also taught it. After all the gospel did not begin with the birth of the Babe in Bethlehem. It is everlasting. It was proclaimed in the beginning to Adam and Eve. Wherever it is found and however it is expressed the golden rule encompasses the moral code of the kingdom of God. it forbids interference by one with the rights of another. It is equally binding on nations, associations, and individuals with compassion and forbearance, it replaces the retaliatory reactions of 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' Matt 5:38. My concern is that my religious freedom is being redefined by a minority of individuals that do not live by the golden rule.   

Cultural Celebration for the Gilbert Temple dedication

     I am posting this morning, before the event that will bring me happiness. Today is the cultural celebration presented on the eve of the dedication of the Gilbert Temple. This is a blessing to our community. I have been blessed by this event. The weather prediction is rain!  It doesn't rain in Arizona...hardly ever. I am expecting a miracle. My husband said, "It rains on the wicked and the righteous", but I am hoping for the rain to be delayed or if it does start raining that it will take a break. Last week at the practice a lot of kids that suffer from allergies had to be treated by the medical staff on site. Not surprising, 12,000 youth moving around on dry, dusty grass will stir up a lot of allergens. The plan was to have the area sprayed with water this week to try to prevent the problem, so rain wouldn't be all bad. I am not involved in the celebration, but Jen is. She signed us up to be overflow drivers of youth. It wasn't convenient last week when Amy was here and I had homework, so Bill drove both morning and evening. He was a good sport about it. In fact he is driving them this morning too, which allows me to finish my homework and do some housework before going. The best part is that we got tickets for tonight because we are drivers! The tickets are so limited. I expected to watch the broadcast on television. President Monson will be there, as well as President Eyring. Jen told us a little about the program last week after their 12 hour practice. It gave me goosies and I was in near tears. I can't imagine this morning how it will feel to actually be there to watch and feel the spirit. Tomorrow is the dedication. No church meetings held in the state of Arizona. We have our recommends and our white handkerchiefs. I am happy.

Book of Mormon Reading Choice 3 3 Nephi 11-17

1. Jesus told the people go to their homes and ponder what he had told them. He told them to ask the Father or pray to understand what they had been taught. By doing those two things they would be prepared to be taught again the next day when he would be with them. 
     I believe there are three important points to consider from these scriptures. First, is the instruction to ponder. Elder Neal A Maxwell said, "Pondering the things of God helps to keep us from being complacent in our approach to Him." He then reminded us of the people on the Rameumpton. These people prayed a memorized prayer from the top of their tower, then went home without another thought of the God they prayed to. I believe that when I ponder what I have read or learned, this allows me to internalize and filter the message. I am able to understand concepts in relation to my life experiences which then leads me to greater testimony or towards continued study to resolve questions.
     The second important suggestion given was to pray to the Father for understanding of what had been taught. Each layer of effort we expend to learn and understand multiplies the outcome. Just reading the scriptures will give us some knowledge. When we read and ponder our knowledge is expanded much greater beyond just reading. When we pray for understanding our understanding will be exponential. We can pray for understanding before, during, and after we pray. We can pray for the Spirit to be with us and we will feel its presence as we learn truth.
    The third instruction (not in chronological order) was to go to their homes. I believe our homes on a spectrum are either conducive to learning and studying the gospel or not. Depending on the media we watch and the way we treat each other will have an impact on whether or not the Spirit will be present. We can not serve two masters and our homes are a reflection of who and how we worship. 
2. Characteristics demonstrated by the Savior in 3 Nephi 17
     1. V 2 I perceive that ye are weak: Intuitive to the feelings or conditions of others and patient with their frailties.
     2. V 6 Behold, my bowels are filled with compassion towards you: Had compassion towards the people.
     3. V 7 My bowels are filled with mercy:  Had mercy towards them.
     4. V 8 For I see that your faith is sufficient that I should heal  you: Perceptive of others.
     5. V 9 He did heal them every one: He held the Priesthood and used its power to heal, coupled with the faith of those healed.
     6. V 14 I am troubled because of the wickedness of the people of the house of Israel: Has hope for the redemption of all men.
     7. V 15 He himself also knelt upon the earth; and behold he prayed unto the Father:  Was prayerful.
     8. V 15 The things which he prayed cannot be written: Prayed sincerely.
     9. V 16 So great and marvelous things as we saw and heard Jesus speak unto the Father: Had a perfect relationship with Heavenly Father.
     10. V17 No one can conceive of the joy which filled our souls at the time we heard him pray for us unto the Father: His actions brought joy to others.
     11. V20 Blessed are ye because of your faith. And now behold, my joy is full: Found joy in others.
     12. V 21 He took their little children, one by one, and blessed them, and prayed unto the Father for them: Loved them.
3.  Setting new goals at this point in the semester is a challenge. I feel like my life is a balance and it doesn't take a lot to tip the balance and I am not able to keep up with what I have committed to. I have decided I want to be more prayerful. This is something I can do all day long if needed. Specifically, I want to include a prayer before I study, which I just did. Several students mentioned praying before study last semester and I believe it will be helpful in many ways. I believe it will increase the Spirit as I read the assigned material. I believe I will have increased capacity to learn and remember. I also want to remember to have a prayer of gratitude before I eat, when I am not at home. I also believe I can increase in sincerity by always praying specifically. It is repetitious to pray for my family members as a group. I believe it is more sincere to pray for specific individuals and their needs.