Saturday, March 22, 2014

Book of Mormon Week 10 Reading Assignment

Scripture Activity 2: Reasons for Sorrow

Mormon 2:10-15  Reasons for the Nephite sorrow:
1.The Nephites were losing their belongings and lives to thieves, robbers, murderers, and witchcraft.
2. They sorrowed that they were not able to continue to live a life of sin without consequence.
 Mormon 2:18-19, 25-27  List the reasons for Mormon's sorrow:
1. Mormon viewed a continual scene of wickedness and abominations within this nation.
2. His army of 30,000 had to contend against the Lamanite army of 50,000 and the strength of the Lord was not with them.  He said, "the Spirit of the Lord did not abide in us; therefore we had become weak like unto our brethren."
What was the difference between the sorrow of the Nephites and the sorrow of Mormon?
Elder Neal A Maxwell explained the difference between godly sorrow and "the sorrowing of the damned. After recognition, real remorse floods the soul. There is a 'godly sorrow , not merely a 'sorrow of the world' nor the 'sorrowing of the damned'when we can no longer 'take happiness in sin'." False remorse is like fondling our failings.(student manual)  First, the word fondling is a creepy word, it conjures of thoughts of child predator. So fondling our failings/sins should remind us how repulsive it is to nurture a relationship with them. I realized that I am a too defensive and have come to realize too many times I defend bad behavior in being defensive. The sorrow of the Nephites was to fondle or defend their sin, therefore continue in sin, whereas Mormon recognized sin for what it is and sorrowed for their unrepentant nature.
Explain in writing how each of the following scripture passages relates to the Nephites' sorrow, to Mormon's sorrow, or to both:
1.Alma 41:10:  We cannot sin and expect happiness to be the reward. Blessings and eternal life are given to those who are obedient. The Nephites had sorrow in their sin and were not willing to change their behavior. Therefore, their sorrow was caused by their behavior. Mormon wrote that when his people became wicked they lost the strength of the Lord that had previously protected them. The Nephites remained in denial of their wickedness and their sorrow persisted through to their death. 
2. Alma 42:29: Only let sin trouble us, which will bring us to repentance. The Nephites were concerned about their 'worldly possessions' and their prestige which blinded them to their sinful state. Thus, they did not feel sorrow to repentance. It reminds me of news stories where a person is defending their violent act because the other person who is often times dead, "disrespected them."  What does that even mean? Someone glances wrong or stab them. This is prevalent in our society. Unfortunately respect is earned, not won in the streets. Maintaining self respect with violence is a dead end.
3. Moroni 10:22  Lack of hope = despair an despair = iniquity.  Mormon lost hope in his people, not through his personal iniquity, but because his people would not repent and turn to the Lord. Perfect scripture for me today. I have said, "I give up" way too many times in my life, but I always look at conditions in my life, not the state of my life. The Nephites did not make this connection as they faced extermination. I wonder if this could be applied to the troubled Jewish nation. I grew up with the poster of a cat hanging on to the end of a rope and the caption to hang on. I am not sure that is the best advice. Why is the cat in that position and what changes should the cat make to get out of that position. Our sin takes us to the end of the rope. Why hang on to the end of the rope when repentance will change our position. When in despair, find the sin behind it, apply the steps of repentance and make changes for a return to hope.
4. 2 Corinthians 7:9-10  This scripture tells of difference between godly sorrow which brings repentance and eternal life and worldly sorrow which brings unrepentant behavior and death. The atonement fixes both spiritual death through sorrow and repentance and physical death through resurrection. The Nephites will enjoy the reward of resurrection, but will suffer spiritual death because their sorrow did not bring them to repentance. Understanding godly sorrow becomes very personal when a child or sibling exemplify Nephite behavior. My brother continues his Nephite lifestyle which so evidently is bringing physical and spiritual death. I have a daughter that allowed Nephite behavior to lead her off the path for a time. I experienced verse 9, Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance. It is scary to watch loved ones when their sorrow is misguided.
5. Moses 7:28-40.  We were created and given agency. We were given commandments to obey. We will be punished if we choose wickedness over obedience and repentance. We are accountable for our sins. Sin is taught from generation to generation and leads to Satan the father of misery and doom. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ sorrow over the wickedness of their children. These scriptures are in reference to the time of Noah and the destruction brought about by iniquity. It applies to the Nephites and every person that has lived on the earth. The Nephites had agency. They had leaders and prophets to lead them. They did not choose to repent and joined the people of Noah in the prison God prepared. Every person born and alive past the age of accountability has the same obligation to understand the purpose of this life and reap the rewards of happiness or sorrow.

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