Saturday, March 22, 2014

Book of Mormon Reading Assignment Week 9

List of what we should know or do because we have the Book of Mormon:  3 Nephi 29:1-4,8-9
1. The covenant Heavenly Father made with the children of Israel in connection to the restoration of the lands of their inheritance has commenced.
2. The words of the Lord, spoken of by holy prophets will all be fulfilled.
3. It is not appropriate to say the Lord delays his coming to the children of Israel.
4. The words spoken and covenants made by the Lord to the people of the house of Israel are not vain.
5. When these promises are published and shared, they should not be spurned. We are taught that, "the word spurn and hiss are used to warn Book of Mormon readers in the latter days to not treat lightly the Lord's covenants with Israel. Spurn means to reject with disdain and hiss is to express disdain or disapprobation by hissing. We must recognize this warning, "In the time of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon there will be a pronounced lack of understanding, belief, and reverence for both the reality of the Second Coming and the work of the Lord in gathering Israel." Those that spurn and hiss will have their actions turned back and consume them.
6. Covenants will be fulfilled and all are invited to claim the same covenants and promises.
Warnings Mormon gave in 3 Nephi 29:5-7:
1. Warning to those that spurn at the doings of the Lord.
2. Warning to those that deny Jesus Christ and his works.
3. Warning to those that deny the revelations of the Lord.
4. Warning to those that say the Lord no longer works by revelation, prophecy, gifts, tongues, healings or by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5. Warning to those that say that no miracle can be performed by Jesus Christ for the purpose of getting gain. 
Those that do not heed the warnings are like the son of perdition, who will receive no mercy.
Mormon's warnings are given to the latter-day Gentiles in 3 Nephi 30 1-2:
1. Hearken to the words of Jesus Christ, who is the son of the living God. 
2. Turn from wicked ways.
3. Repent of evil doings which include lying, deceiving, whoredoms, secret abominations, idolatries, murders, priestcrafts, envyings, and strifes.
The warnings are directed to the House of Israel. Gentile means nations, but refers to any person not of the house of Israel. The word has two meaning; descendants of Israelite lineage and those nations without the gospel regardless of true Israelite blood. The people in the Book of Mormon most often fall in the second category. 
 Steps someone can take to overcome these types of sins:
1. Come unto Christ.
2. Baptism in his name to receive a remission of sins and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
3. Be numbered among the House of Israel.
Mormon included these warnings as we are gentiles adopted into the house of Israel through baptism. "Mormon offered the only antidote to these destructive conditions-come unto Jesus Christ and have faith in Him, repent of your sins, be baptized, and be filled with the Holy Ghost that ye may be numbered with my people who are of the house of Israel."We are then able to make temple covenants and enjoy the blessings promised to Abraham.  Just a note about lineage after listening to your lecture. I looked at my patriarchal blessing. My blessing says, "You are descended from the ancient patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You are of the true blood of Israel. In your lecture you mention those descended from European nations are generally not of the blood of Israel, but some are. My most recent relatives came from England with a line from France. I have my parents blessing as they are both deceased so I looked at their blessings also to see my lineage was consistent through them.  My mothers mentions Ephraim. My fathers says, "...for the blood of Israel flows through your veins, even that of the great man Joseph who was sold into Egypt and there are great blessing in store for you..." So, both blessing are saying the same thing. I recognize how I live is what qualifies me for the blessings and covenants of Abraham, but interesting to note the lineage. 

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