Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday March 9, 2014 How Many Weeks Left?

Mosiah 16:11

If they be good, to the resurrection of endless life and happiness; and if they be evil, to the resurrection of endless damnation, being delivered up to the devil, who hath subjected them, which is damnation— 

Article One  The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People  #1, #2, & #3  by David Niven  PH. D.
1. Your Life Has Purpose & Meaning:  Without clearly defined purpose, 7 in 10 individuals feel unsettled in their lives. With a purpose, almost 7 in 10 feel satisfied. 
2. Use a Strategy for Happiness: Surveys show that happy and unhappy people tend to have had very similar life experiences. The difference is that the average unhappy person spends more than twice as much time thinking about unpleasant events in their lives, while happy people tend to seek and rely upon information that brightens their personal outlook. 
3. You Don't Have to Win Every Time: Competitiveness can preclude life satisfaction because no accomplishment can prove sufficient, and failures are particularly devastating. Ultra competitive rate their success with lower marks than some people rate their failures. 

Article Two  The Doctrinal Importance of Marriage and Children  by Elder Russell M Nelson
     God's plan of happiness is perfect. As we teach it in our homes, quorums, councils, and classes, we bless all with love, hope, peace, and joy here and hereafter. i so declare along with my declaration of love and appreciation for you.

Article Three  The Gifts of Christmas by President Henry B Erying
     The Savior made clear that true faith leads to keeping God's commandments and that in turn qualifies us for the gift of eternal life, which is to live with God forever in heavenly light. The lesson is not that we can have such marvelous experiences whenever we wish for them.-nor that they will come even when we feel great need from them. The lesson is that God knows our every need, that He loves us, and that He watches over us. There was a song in a film years ago with the line "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas." Well, you can give a great and wonderful Christmas if you remember the gifts God has given you and as best you can offer them to othrs as He would. That is the spirit of Christmas and of true happiness every day. 

Interview #1  Teancum James Hoopes  My oldest grandson  14 years old  Life time member
Scale of 1-10   Tank said, "10?"  (I am not sure if he believes he is a 10, but guessing he is is okay with me!)
Three things that make him happy:
1. Safety
2. Family
3. Something to do
Three times or events when he was happy:
1. The first Hoopes family reunion in Springville, Utah...7 years ago.
2. When his dad returned from 7 month deployment. Was stationed in Iraq.
3. When he and his dad made a computer together from scrap parts.
Three things that contribute to happiness:
1. When I read my scriptures.
2. When I hang out or talk to a family member...he has 2 brothers and 4 sisters + mom and dad.
3. Find something to do that will help take my mind off my bad mood or problem, like a video game.
Advice he would give to someone seeking advice on happiness:  I would ask them if they've read their scriptures lately. I would then ask them what they think the cause of their unhappiness is. Then I would encourage them by telling them that they will be able to work through it and problems eventually go away.

Interview #2  James William Hoopes  My oldest son and oldest child.  Thirty something. Life time member. Married with 7 children. Full time US Army, Fort Hood Texas
Scale of 1-10  James said, "7".
Three things that make him happy:
1. Family
2. Past success
3. The Gospel  (He then said, "Not in that particular order.)
Three events that made him happy:
1. The very first glimpse of each child.
2. His wedding day to Erin.  Married in 1998.
3. Moment when an art project is completed.
Three things that contribute to his happiness:
1. When family and religion are combined. 
2. When principles of the Gospel are followed and family members are together.
3. The culminations of the creative process in connection with the gospel, the mixture of elements and process of creation.
Advice to a friend seeking help on happiness:  It is interesting, but my first response would be to ask them question and listen to them, I wouldn't give advice. I would rather ask questions.

    I am happy for this experience of gathering information about happiness. I am thankful I found the book on happiness. I believe the scriptures and conference talks are most important, but the information in the book is interesting and I have not read anything contrary to church teachings. I will continue to read scriptures, talks,and my new book.

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