Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday Family Night

     After work Austin, Julianne, Addy, Clara Anne, and Tilly came over for just about an hour. It is always fun to have them over. We sat on the back patio while Gramps showed Austin the new grow box. We talked about fruit trees. Austin wants to plant a lemon tree, a grapefruit tree, and a kumquat tree in his yard. We have our orange tree and it has blossoms. According to Austin we should let the tree produce fruit for two years so the growth all goes into the tree. It is always hard to pluck the flowers or buds off. I want to see the life cycle. After they left we went into town and met Jen and fam and Mand and Stephen at Red Robin. We had a lot of fun. We talked and laughed and had a good meal. Not healthy in the biggest lament right now. Came home and spent the last couple of hours setting up the yard sale with Jen. I don't have time for all I must do tomorrow...not sure what to cut out. Friday is over, it was a good day.

1 comment:

Kary Ann Hoopes Photography said...

fun! Doesn't saturday deadlines come up so fast. We had so much to do this week. Every week I say all my work will be done before the gathering. It never is!