Saturday, June 14, 2008

Garage Sale, Art City Days, & Rape Crisis

I have neglected my blog for several days. Last night I copied the alphabet list from Jen's blog & pasted it to my blog, changed all the answers, & then hit publish. I am not sure if it is out there somewhere, but it is not on my blog. I did not hit save...would that be my problem? Two of my neighbors were having a yard sale so I tagged along & had mine at the same time. They held it on Friday and Saturday, so I spent time Thursday, Friday, & Saturday setting up, babysitting the junk, then cleaning up the leftovers. It was successful as I added $100 to my Fall tuition fund & unloaded a truckload of excess. As it was also Art City Days we squeezed in our favorite events which include the scone shack, the arts & crafts tents, the quilt show, the library book sale, and of course the fireworks. We missed the parade due to the yard sale & no kids here to take with us. The weather was beautiful this year. It has been rainy the last two years, so that was a bonus. We saw a few hot air balloons, but basically missed them I think due to our distractions & they didn't float this far south. We attended our ward temple night on Friday and I pic
ked up the backpack to be on call for rape crises until Wednesday evening. I ran to Macey's for a Flag Day celebration they were having on Saturday. It was so fun, I wished I had a few kids with me to enjoy the bounce house, free popcorn & sno-cones, the band, lots of free samples inside and out. I enjoyed the party atmosphere & the fantastic sale prices on food we don't need, but the grandkids love, (cookies, fruit snacks, monkey bars etc.) I loaded up as the Mix kids are coming to visit shortly. So busy, busy, busy has been my last 4 days. I didn't mention math, my current headache. I have a test on Monday and I still have 3 sections of homework to finish & the review questions. It looks like that will occupy most of                                                         Monday. My motto of the day..."carry on."


Amy Lu said...

I am way jealous. I wish I could have taken you to the parade. We will have to make up on the 4th. I can't wait to come eat all those yummy treats you bought oh and spend time with you again.

Erin said...

Good job on the garage sale and I'm glad you and dad had some fun at Art City days. It would have been fun to be there and enjoy it with you.

jenjen said...

ohhh...I hope you are not carnivaled out. We have lots of people watching to do and you'll never know who we'll see at some of the shin digs we're signed up to attend, get out the cheeto's, we're coming for cheesy finger time!