Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It Worked.

The next time I have a lot to do I will post my list on my blog. I didn't give up as easily and kept working late into the night. The 2 things I didn't finish, I needed assistance with, and my help fell through. The excuse was the weather had turned with wind and showers. We didn't retrieve the garage sale items or my bike. Other than that I can cross everything else off my list. I did math at home instead of at the math lab, but I worked on it longer than 2 hours and saved the gas. I will go to the math lab today since I have class today and will be at the school anyway.  So yesterday was a good and productive day. I am working off a list again today. Accomplishment feels so good.


Kary Ann Hoopes Photography said...

Good for you. When I have a packed day like you did, I am going to post, too. thanks for the example of hard work.

jenjen said...

WOW-lesson learned, make a list. I haven't been making long lists lately. Mostly stuff like, take a shower, brush my teeth. I need to lengthen my list to brush kids teeth, make dinner. Maybe I will go to bed feeling more accomplished. Great job mom...and just thing we will be there soon then all lists will be out the window!