Sunday, June 22, 2008

Can You Teach An Old Dog New Tricks?

Jennifer has a pressure cooker. On the day Tess was baptized Jen was cooking chicken in a crock pot for the luncheon afterwards. After several hours Jen checked the meat & it wasn't ready. Pressure cooker to the rescue, the meat took minutes & was tender & tasty. Jamie was impressed & resurrected her decades old pressure cooker from the back of the cupboard & again uses is regularly. Not to be left in the dust I shopped online, found one that looked like I would like it, hinted I wanted it, & received a $10 used one from a thrift store via Aunt Jamie. Thank you again Aunt Jamie. I am so glad she found it for me. She even sent the replacement ring & valve. After reading the instructions, I installed both parts, then set it on the back burner, a little afraid to try this new technique of cooking, as I've heard somewhere that they can blow up if not used properly. I went to book club & found out Opal has one & uses it regularly. She got a crock pot recently & doesn't like it as it takes too long to cook food. Well, I finally decided to embark on the maiden voyage. I put water, chicken, rice, & seasoning in the pan, brought it to a boil, put lid securely in place, then watched & waited. Steam was building up, hissing noises were being emitted from the valve, & droplets of water were gathering under the weight. Well, about 10 minutes into the process there was a loud popping noise & rushing of steam as the new steam valve blew right out of the lid straight into oblivion. Both Gramps & I were in the kitchen at the time & needed to be resuscitated as we were in coronary distress.  . We both thought we were goners. After searching high & low I found the valve, put it in the lid the way I thought it should be instead of the way the instructions said to put it in, & tried the process again. Second time around was successful & we had chicken & rice wraps for dinner. There are a few adjustments I need to make to the recipe, but will definitely be using the pressure cooker again.


julie said...

Wow, it reminds me a little of Gary's mom's experience with cooking beans in the pressure cooker, and a bean got got in the pitcock. It blew a hole in the kitchen ceiling, bent the stove, and splattered beans from here to kingdom come. But don't let that worry you, pressure cookers are great. I have a big one, but it has saved my bacon a few times when my roast wasn't cooked and relatives were on the way. Have fun with it Vonnie. I think I need to look for one of those smaller brands. JJ

Ang said...

I was just thinking the same thing as my mom (my grandma's bad experience) and I'm scared to use it. I have a humungous (I don't know how to spell that word but it's the only one that fits here!) pressure cooker - maybe I should try to find a smaller one. It would be nice to have.

Vonnie said...

Jamie found mine for me. Put a request in I am sure she would love to find more. She sees them all the time there. You could get it from her in August.

Amy Lu said...

again...from Jen...I laughed so hard my stomach hurt, it may have been from my work out last night, but still...I laughed so hard it hurt!

BTW, I can't wait for you to make soup and yes, ang I have the worlds best pressure cooker...I use it almost every day!

Vonnie said...

Are you sure Angela has the same as you. When she said enormous I thought she was talking about a pressure canner for canning. Now that is enormous.

jenjen said...

I was just referring to her using one. It sounds like she has a canning one as well. I love mine, I don't know if she has one like it. I can't wait for you to make soup with yours...not ang with hers.

Ang said...

I don't have one like Jens -- I need one! Mine is a huge canning one and it would make A LOT of soup!!

Vonnie said...

This is just so fun having conversations with you guys. Thank you for getting on my blog. It makes me laugh.

jams said...

LOL! Jamie