Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday's are great!

I think I like Mondays. I seem to be more energetic at the beginning of the week. I have hope to accomplish much in the week. By mid-point or shortly thereafter I want to throw my hands in the air and go watch a movie and start over on...Monday! I feel accomplished today. I scrubbed the bathrooms and did half our laundry. The days of laundry every day are over for me. We don't even make full batches after a week with just the two of us! Sorry to those that do numerous loads a day to keep up, I do remember those days. I unloaded my car which was loaded from the other house on Saturday. I was too pooped to unload that 3rd load on Saturday. I went to the house and loaded the car again, then went for my blood check. Still too thick. I am eating more greens, which causes thicker blood and I missed my dosage on Saturday. I started fasting and closed the kitchen and didn't think about taking my pill until I woke up Sunday morning. So the pharmacist upped the dosage again this time and I go back again in 2 weeks. He would like to get me up over the 2 mark and not even worry about the high 2's. It is weird as I was over the 3 mark initially, then he cut me back, I dropped into the 1's and can't get back over two. After that I went to class where I got my 1st math test back. I was so relieved with my 93. With only 4 tests I feel like I need to do well on all of them. He does drop the lowest score, which I may need later on. After math I went to the math lab and met with 3 other students and a tutor and we did some of the homework. It is good to get more that one teacher explaining the problems. After that I picked up my prescription and came home for dinner at 9 p.m. and now I am too tired to even watch t.v. Dad and I watched Elder Oaks talk on Testimony for FHE and I am hitting the sack. Maybe the reason I don't get as much done at the end of the week is because I am too tired at the end of the week to accomplish much. With 3 or 4 days like today who isn't?

1 comment:

jenjen said...

What a great perspective on Mondays. I don't know that I like them as well. I do like that you can "start over" but sometimes I get too far behind by the end of Monday I am frustrated! I am glad for your new out look on Mondays...I am sure that is why we eat out more often on Fridays, I am too burned out by then to do ONE more thing!