Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Birthday to James

It is almost too hard to remember so long ago. In fact it was a long time ago and a long day of waiting for my firstborn child. We had no ultrasound back in the olden days, so I didn't know who was arriving. I was so excited when the doctor said, "it's a boy." I thanked the doctor and he said, "I didn't have anything to do with it." I was so excited to have a new baby boy. When I got back to my room I started calling all my friends and relatives. That was a mistake as I ended up with the dreaded spinal headaches. They are caused by not laying flat within the first hours after a spinal, but I was just too excited to tell the news. They were blinding. I was afraid to tell anyone, because I thought it was going to kill me. Makes no sense and I have learned to communicate with my medical professionals. Bill had a hard time getting telephone connections with his family back in Idaho Falls as the Teton Dam had broken and flood waters were raging through Rexburg down the Snake River. James was kept in the nursery day and night, with feeding visits in my room. The best nurse ever told me to walk a lot to help speed the recovery after a c-section. My goal was to walk to the nursery and gaze at James every hour during the waking hours. The only time I missed was if I happened to catch a nap. I was so enamored with my beautiful baby boy. So best wishes on your birthday James, with many more to come!


jenjen said...

What a sweet story. I think first time moms are all the same-enamored by our first born. I can't believe you were a first time mom, too-your just such a pro!

Vonnie said...

Oop! One day early...his birthday is tomorrow. In my world today was the 5th!

Kary Ann Hoopes Photography said...

what a sweet story, you told. you are such a kind mom. what a nice bday wish for him

Erin said...

It's fun to hear that. I love hearing you talk about how much you loved him and how sweet he was. Sometimes it makes me fall in love with him all over again and so much more than before.