Saturday, June 7, 2008

Just Call Me the Dragon Slayer!

I have worked today. Gramps and I moved 2 loads, then I went to Provo to the Farmer's Market. Stopped in at IFA for cherry tomato plants and Heindelsonmens for yarn. Then home where I started cleaning out the rose area in front. As I was pulling weeds and ground cover gone wild, I used a stick to rid the area of a spider web. In my mind I wondered if the owner of the web was anywhere near. I moved around the rectangle pulling and clearing as I went. On the other side of the spider web area there is a rock with a hole in the side of it. I found and smashed what looked like some type of egg sack. Then I noticed movement as cleared out more of the detritus. I saw a nice sized brownish spider and  a huge black spider with a smooth round shiny body the size of a BIG pea, a really BIG pea. I found a smallish stick to poke at it and hopefully disable it as I called out to Gramps to bring the bug spray to me. He found a can, but he thought it was empty. I was able to coax a bit of spray out, which I aimed at the really big spider. Then I told Gramps about the big spider as I used my stick to roll it out more in the open. That is when I could clearly see the red hourglass on the underside of the really big spider! I don't like finding that type of spider so close to home. I continued to work outside and crushed with a tool, stepped on, or scraped into a bucket and disposed of many snails today also. I am not a fan of icky bugs, slugs, snakes, snails, or mice. I kill them without a backward glance. On the positive side I planted 6 cherry tomato plants and one flower. Hopefully I am even with nature.


William said...

Mom worked very hard today under very hazzardous conditions. She has made the outside of our home an even lovelier place. Thanks mom for your hard work and green thumb talent.

Erin said...

My hat goes off to you. I HATE spiders and creepy crawly things...they really freak me out. By the way, you're house does always look have a talent that I envy tremendously!

jenjen said...

YIKES I hope there aren't any more spiders when we get there in 3 weeks! Thanks for working so hard to get things cleaned up-you are great!

Kary Ann Hoopes Photography said...

I hope all the creepy crawlies leave your home. they are no fun!