Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Guess Who's Coming To Breakfast?

I went down to the kitchen this morning to make breakfast & the back door was ajar & a pair of Robby's flip flops were on the floor just inside the door. I called upstairs asking Gramps if he had gone outside wearing flip flops sometime in the night. As I was talking I also looked down the basements stairs. I was so surprised to find Robby on the couch! "Did you quit?" I asked, "what are you doing here?" He came up the stairs & I got a hug from him. I was so happy to see him. It feels so good to have one of my kids here. I love it. So to explain this surprise visit, his area in California has been slow all along. A manager called to see if anyone was willing to change states. Robby countered with them if they would pay him some gas money & raise him to experienced, which gives him more per install, he would move. Well, Utah was a little out of his way as he is on his way to Detroit, Michigan. It will be good for him there with the raise & more work too. We only get him for about 24 hours, which isn't a lot of time, but we are glad for what we can get. Gramps and I are discussing which jobs he can help us with which will be of most benefit to us before he is on his way again. We've got to make hay while the sun shines.


Erin said...

That's a darn good lookin' boy you've got there for breakfast. Too bad he won't be in Cali anymore, we were going to stop in on him on our way down and take him to lunch or something.

Ang said...

Vonnie, I am so happy to have found your blog! I read all your older posts and I laughed and laughed! You're so fun! I'm so excited to get to read about what's going on in your daily life. It seems like we only get to see you once a year or so and there never is time to catch this will be fun! Do you mind if I put the link to your blog on my bloglist? My blog address is
Talk to you soon!

Vonnie said...

Hi Angela, I have been on your blog a couple of times. Welcome to mine. I love getting comments, so I'm glad you have found me. It is fun to read yours, I agree we don't see you often enough. Your mom said you are trying to go to the reunion in Aug. It will be fun times.

Unknown said...

Hey this is Bob, yes indeed I dropped in for just a day. I leave tomorrow for the long trek. I am a little nervous but way excited.

jenjen said...

How cute is that. I am so glad he is on the blog right then. I love to see him! We sure miss him...when will we see you again? No really when are you done in Michigan. I don't think we'll see him until Thanksgiving...I am so glad for you!

Vonnie said...

You are right Jen. He is gone until just before school, which is Aug 20. I am not sure what he is doing about James Hall's wedding now which is the first weekend of August. I think he thought he could drive here from Cali...only about 10 hours, then zip back. Now he is 20 hours away. I don't think we will have him for the 4th or the reunion. Bummer! I am already sad as he left this morning. I just hope he is safe on his drive.

Erin said...

what reunion in Aug is everyone talking about? Maybe I shouldn't ask...we probably weren't invited.

Carissa J said...

Hey Vonnie! I found your blog link on Jen's blog. That's so fun that everyone blogs! It's such a great way to see what everyone is doing.
I'm really excited about the reunion in August, too. I haven't seen Manda in so long! It's gonna be tons of fun!
Just like Ang, I hope it's okay if I put your blog as a link on my blog :)

Vonnie said...

Welcome Carissa, I am having to much fun blogging. The more the merrier. I want to get your link, so I can see what you are up to these days.

jenjen said...

Erin have you got alzheimers? I told you about the reunion when we talked about Manda's get together. I remember specifically telling you to plan to hang around a couple of days for family dinners and such because a reunion was being planned. Dates and times have not been solidified until two days ago so "formal invitations" have not been sent. I apologize if you don't remember that part of the discussion, however you were in fact informed and PS when it comes to family reunions it is by default that your invited when your family. It's a little bit of a curse, and a blessing, but it comes with being related....

Ang said...

Yah Erin -- I hope you're planning on it because I am going to be there (most likely!) and it's going to be great!!!!